Church Hill TN
Our Work in Church Hill - 9 Reviews

Church Hill TN , population 1,488.
The rural community of Church Hill is located in eastern Robertson County and is thirty-five miles east of the State Capitol at Nashville. Church Hill has a growing number of housing options that are ideal for families with kids. The median year homes were built was 1982, which makes it older than average for the U.S..
Church Hill TN, High school students attend school in nearby Mount Pleasant, Tennessee . It's unfortunate because there are barely any jobs available here to make money unless you have higher education experience or skills which require an investment in time and money to train for. The crime rate is rather high as well although safe driving rates are high proportionately to the small amount of drivers on the road compared to nearby cities.
Church Hill is considered to be less expensive, but it's also far away from the excitement of Nashville TN.
The median home price is $111,200 which is higher than average for this country at 248% of the national median home price of $119,600. The more important number to consider when gauging if a person can afford to live in Church Hill is affordability that puts housing into perspective with income. Factors affecting cost of living are taxes and insurance costs driving up prices even though incomes are lower compared to other places in Tennessee . Although not terrible by any means, crime rates are relatively high here due to lack of opportunities making it harder on families with children. Living here you have access to some nice attractions in Tennessee including the city of Nashville, but there's little to do in Church Hill unless you find yourself lucky enough to be doing well financially.
Nashville TN is a fun place for kids and adults alike with music everywhere. In addition, there's lots of places to eat all kinds of food from Italian, Mexican, or American . It's also possible to take a scenic drive through the hills of Tennessee , go hiking in a park, or enjoy a nice outdoor restaurant. There are opportunities for every person to be entertained throughout their life no matter what age they are.
Business Information:
Areas We Serve in Church Hill, Tennessee:
- 37642 and 37645
- Agape Lawncare, Baysview, Campbell St, Chantay Spivey, Deerfield, East Mainers, Goshen Valley, Greenland Estates, Kingshill, New Canton, Parkview, Rameytown, Riverbend Shoals, Sensabaugh Hollow, Tree Business, and Wallen Town
Find Us Here:
Custom Heating and Air Conditioning
119 E Main Blvd, Church Hill, TN 37642
Points Of Interest:
Bays Mountain Golf Club
A.S. Derrick City Park
Jaycee Park
Volunteer High School
Church Hill Elementary School